Know Your Purpose.
Help People.

The Purpose Factor® discovery system taught to the U.S. Military and the book promised to unlock the keys to success

Know Your Purpose.
Help People.

The Purpose Factor® discovery system taught to the U.S. Military and the book promised to unlock the keys to success by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Tony Dungy

Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like:
Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like the Bloomberg, Forbes, SiriusXM, Business Insider, NPR, SUCCESS Magazine and Fast Company.

Brian & Gab's TedX Talk

Brian and Gabrielle Bosché have been called the “next generation's motivational titans.” They are bestselling authors, international speakers, and together, founded The Purpose Company. Brian and Gabrielle have personally worked with celebrities, United States military officials, presidential campaigns, and Fortune 500 companies. Checkout their upcoming TEDx Talk, "Why Your Purpose is Your Permission," below!

Praise for Brian & Gab's Work ...

"What is the difference between success and failure? Having a purpose. Brian and Gabrielle Bosché show us this clearly in The Purpose Factor. The Purpose Factor unlocks the keys to living a successful and purposeful life."

–Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Hollywood Actor

"The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of others better. This should be your purpose daily. The purpose that defines you and drives you. “The Purpose Factor” lays out how to find your purpose and let it lead you to success."

–Tony Dungy, Pro Football Hall of Fame Coach

"Regardless of whatever I do, I know what my purpose is: to make a difference in people's lives. That is my purpose. What is yours? You need more than to just know what your purpose is, you need to understand how to carry out God’s purpose for you. That is where “The Purpose Factor” comes in. Gabrielle and Brian Bosché in this book not only help you discover your purpose but provide the plan to live your purpose as He wants you too."

–Tim Tebow, Winner of the Heisman Trophy

“Mentally, every day I get my mind and body in the right place because I have a purpose. My purpose drives and motivates me. Find how to open up your purpose by reading The Purpose Factor. Once you find your purpose, it will change your life."

–Simone Biles, Five-Time Olympic Medalist

Purpose Isn’t Magic, it’s Cause and Effect

Finding Purpose isn't about asking "Why" ...

Brian and Gab give leaders, employees, and audiences worldwide laser-focused solutions that connect their exact purpose with what they do every day. No more pushing to be motivated. Audiences will be PULLED to do more, achieve more, and be more with the help of their purpose discovery system. Whether that’s deciding what's next in their life, boosting motivation at work, pushing past failure, or becoming an organization committed to finding and using purpose.

It's about asking "Who?" First, Who are you, and second, Who are you supposed to help.

Brian and Gab's interactive and free-flowing teaching style is cry-laugh inducing and deeply thought provoking (think Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey meets Tony Robbins).  Brian and Gab bring next-generation energy and practical application to the discovery and use of purpose – plus the experience and expertise of those who have worked with America's top companies. Book Brian and Gab for your next conference or leadership event, and discover the difference purpose makes. 

Ready to Discover Your Exact Purpose?

Most Requested Topics

The Purpose Factor® Leader

Why do some companies, brands, and leaders stand apart? They know and use their purpose. In this keynote, Brian and Gab break down why purpose makes the difference between top performers and the just-get-it-doners. They share strategies to use purpose to increase authenticity, productivity, and commitment. Infuse your organization and your leadership with purpose and see what happens to your culture, your productivity, and your impact when you do. 

The 4 Questions to Find Purpose

Discovering purpose is not a matter of luck. It is the result of a process. In this keynote, Brian and Gab break down the 4 questions to ask to discover your purpose and the 3 steps to apply your purpose to experience extreme clarity, massive levels of fulfillment, and the path to live a life of meaning. No more wondering why you're here. No more thinking about the impact you want to make. Just extreme clarity for who you are and what you can do to live a life of impact. 

Figuring Out What's Next 

Are you ready for change, but unsure of what the next step should be?  You want to make the "right" decision so you end up staying stuck? Getting clarity about life's next move starts with understanding your purpose. In this keynote, Brian and Gab reveal why we avoid making big moves, how to use your purpose to determine what's next, and the two-part question to minimize regret and maximize fulfillment. 

How Each Generation Leads

We are in the midst of the largest generational power hand-off in history. Every industry is experiencing growing pains as they seek to quickly train a new generation to lead. But each generation leads and is led differently. Discover the 5 generational leadership types, how to manage multiple generations at once, and why training the new generation requires a new approach (plus the strategies to do it!). 

Recruiting, Retaining, and Engaging Millennials in Your Industry

Millennials are the largest generation on the planet. And yet, most organizations are not effectively engaging them in their industry. As the 12+ year expert in Millennials, Gabrielle provides real and practical strategies on how to reach the next generation. Whether that is recruiting, training, retaining, or increasing output, Gabrielle will share with you her deep expertise and insightful strategies to set you and your team above your competition. No theory allowed -- this presentation goes deep as Gabrielle has been called the "Consultant from the Stage."
Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Worked With Leaders From Major Organizations Like:
Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Worked With Leaders From Major Organizations Like the U.S. Air Force, Comcast, Expedia, Microsoft, Safeway, and Audi.

Books Authored by Brian & Gab

The Purpose Factor

Brian and Gab's newest book, The Purpose Factor: Extreme Clarity for Why You're Here and What to Do About It, reveals the clearest, most actionable process ever developed for discovering purpose—period. If you're tired of life happening to you, not because of you it will give you a total life breakthrough. 

Purpose is the single difference between simply existing and really living. It is what divides the top earners from the just-get-byers, and determines whether a company will grow and thrive or just barely survive. 

Knowing your purpose will determine how well you do and how far you go. Preorder The Purpose Factor now from Amazon or Barnes & Noble!

Keep Them Longer

Brian and Gab's book, Keep Them Longer: How to Gain, Train and Retain Top Talent, destroys the myths about reducing churn and introduces a simple process by which leaders can retain top talent.

This book combines over 10 years of generational research, 100+ interviews with Fortune 1000 level leaders, and the human science on what really motivates employees to stay beyond the "two year itch."

If you want to learn the secrets to retaining your talent longer, click below to get your copy of Keep Them Longer!

Ready to Infuse Your 
Audience, Company, or Organization with Purpose?

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